Louisville, Kentucky data centers
Within a day’s drive of two-thirds of the U.S. population and offering low electricity costs, Kentucky is a cost-effective location to meet your needs for secure colocation, cloud, and HIPAA/PCI compliant hybrid IT services
- Market Capacity: 94,000+ square-foot data center footprint
- Market Power: 4.55MW
2 locations available

Why choose a Louisville, Kentucky data center?
The Bluegrass State ranks fifth lowest for cost of doing business, according to CNBC, and is within a day’s drive of two-thirds of the U.S. population. Kentucky also has the lowest cost of electricity east of the Mississippi River and one of the lowest in the U.S. at nearly 20% less than the national average, allowing for economical cooling and power systems within data centers.
As the largest city in Kentucky, Louisville is headquarters to a significant number of companies in the manufacturing, automotive, healthcare, and medical sciences industries and has emerged as a center for technology growth in the region.
Louisville’s proximity to other major metro areas like Cincinnati and Indianapolis make it an efficient solution for business in all three states. Our Kentucky operations include one of five cloud clusters that comprise our HIPAA-compliant and PCI DSS-compliant cloud infrastructure serving customers throughout the U.S

Tour a Louisville data center with one of our experts